10 Basic Fundamental Concepts of JavaScript

Md Shahadat Hossain
4 min readNov 2, 2020


1.Javascript String: Here I will discuss most of the important strings used

  • Starts With : This method is used to determine if a string begins with a specific character, it always return Boolean true or false
  • ends With : This method is used to determine if a string is ends with a specific character, it always return Boolean true or false
  • includes : This method is used to determine if a string is set with a specific character, it always return Boolean true or false
  • Repeat : This method is used if you want to repeat a little string a few times, it always return Boolean true or false

2.Javascript Array: Here I will discuss most of the important array used

  • unshift : There are many items in the array, but many items need to be at the beginning or end of the array. but if we want to add items at the beginning then we have to use this method.
  • Shift :Now if we want to remove the item from the beginning of the array, then we have to use this method.
  • Push : Now if we want to add the item from the end of the array, then we have to use this method.
  • pop : Now if we want to remove the item from the end of the array, then we have to use this method.

3.Javascript Operator : There are several types of operators in the JavaScript, such as arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment, ternary, we all know about the operator of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but today we will discuss the operators that we mostly forget. but today I will discuss something.so details will be discussed another day.

Now first of all your question: what is your operand and 0perator?Operator means +,-,x etc. and operand means 1,2,3 etc.

  • Modulus (%) : This operator is used to extract the quotient.
  • Enhancement (++) : This will add to your operand.
  • Equal (==) : This method is used to see if the values of the two are equal, if true, truth will return, otherwise false will return. and the output will be true even if the value is of any type.

Example: (10==10) = true

(10 == “10” ) = true (10 == 20) = false

  • Not equal (=!) : if the values of the two are not equal, it will show the truth. Example : 10 =! 20 =>true
  • 10 =! 10 =>false
  • Small or equal ( >=) : If one is bigger and equal than the other then the truth is there but the lie will come back.
  • Example: 10 >= 10 =true

10 >= 30 =false

40 >= 10 =true

4.Javascript Math Object: Math object can be used to work with numbers and mathematical terms. So today I will discuss five topics of math Object.

  • math. min() : This method is used to find the lowest number.

Example : Math. min(10,20,6,84) // return= 6

  • math. max() : This method is used to find the highest number.

Example : math .mix(10,20,6,84) // return= 84

  • Math. random : This method is used to take any number from zero to one.

Example : math. random (); // returns a random number

  • Math. ceil : With this method a number is rounded to the nearest maximum number

Example : math. ceil(4.4) // return =5

  • Math. floor : With this method a number is rounded to the highest maximum number

Example : math. floor(4.7) //return =4

5. JavaScript Number Method : I will discuss something here.so lets get start

ParseInt () : ParseInt is a string that returns a whole number. and space is allowed.here only provides numbers

Example : parseInt(“20”); //return 20

parseInt(“20.22”); //return 20

parseInt(“20 10 30”); //return 20

6.Javascript Date method : I will discuss something here of 3 topic

  • get Date : Date of current time this method is used to find out
  • get Day: Day of current time this method is used to find out .
  • get Full Year: This method is used to find out which year

7. JavaScript map : Currently this method is mostly used. map means ,suppose you want to show the names of ten of your clients together on a website, now you can show them together if you use a map.so map means showing many items together in a browser.

8. JavaScript filter :This method is used if you want to bring your favorite items from many items.

9. JavaScript Math .abs(x) : Returns the absolute value of a number

10. JavaScript Math. sqrt(x) : A number returns a positive square.



Md Shahadat Hossain
Md Shahadat Hossain

Written by Md Shahadat Hossain

I am a student of 11 grade and I am a front end developer.

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